Saturday, November 27

Fathers are Important for Kids

Tips to Enrich Your Child's Life!

Fathers are integral to raising happy, healthy children. Fatherhood is much more than footing bills or an annual Father's Day card. It is the stuff childhood memories are made of. Parenting is one job meant for two people, not really for one person multi-tasking like mad. Raising children well calls for enormous responsibilities and this is easier when two reasonably intelligent adults embark on it as a joint venture.

A Father's Role
Fathers need not be considered just providers and protectors, though these time-honoured roles are the first things that come to mind when speaking of fatherhood. In the modern context however, it has become essential that fathers have a close emotional bond with their children rather than be some distant figure that comes home in the evenings and retires behind a newspaper or gets hypnotized by the TV. What's worse for kids would be the weekend Dad who is more a guest than a parent.