Tuesday, December 28

New Years Resolutions

Set of 12 of 2.25" Buttons Pins Badges "My Very Funny New Year's Resolutions"New Years resolutions are usually blurted out in moments of festive abandon or when in the throes of a hangover. So it is never a surprise when they fizzle out with the soda at dawn. But this tradition of making New Year's resolutions does signal a positive way to enter a brand new year infusing it with optimism, hope, and a determination to do something nice with it.

The Art of The Fresh Start: How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions for a Lifetime
New Year's resolution when seen in terms of some chore that has to be stuck to no matter what for the next 365 days may indeed seem like a drag that sucks the joy out of life. But if you think of it in terms of a way of grabbing hold of some aspect of your life with an intention to do what you can to make it better, it appears a winner all the way. 

New Year's Resolutions Survival 2011 Boxed CalendarThe good news is that what you do continuously for 66 days ceases to be a conscious act and from then on becomes an unconscious habit. So, if you can stick to your New Year's resolution till 7th March you've got yourself a brand new healthy habit. Also consider what happens if you don't stop hitting the bottle after the New Year's festivities and keep that up till the 7th of March.

Horizon Fitness T101 Treadmill
Most New Year's resolutions revolve around flabby thighs and unused treadmills. When you set out on a resolution the first thing would be to find something achievable to resolve upon. Then the motivation to do it becomes easier to find. This is where thinking small helps big time. For instance, instead of making a huge resolution to lose 20 pounds, make a New Year's resolution to cut sugar entirely. This is much easier to achieve while it automatically tackles your weight. Thus making bite-size resolutions is the key to making them work.

Small New Year's resolutions eventually bring on big benefits that you can enjoy all year long. 
Resolve to take good care of your hands with a regular manicure or hand spa routine. Benefits accrue in the form of self-esteem and fingers that won't stop drumming up attention.

Relieving Your Holiday Stress and Achieving Your New Year's ResolutionsResolve to smile genuinely at least at the first five people you meet at work instead of flinging a careless Hi their way as you hurry along. Benefits come in the form of renewed friendships and stronger workplace bonds.

Resolve to think twice before you yell at spouse, kids, or family members no matter what the provocation. Benefits bring harmony in the homefront and stronger family ties.

AeroGarden 2101-00B Classic Garden 7-Pod With Gourmet Herb Seed Kit - BlackResolve to water your indoor plants regularly instead of letting them droop low and beg you for a drink. Healthy greenery reduces indoor toxins besides adding to the overall aesthetics.

Resolve to actively look for the tiniest acts of goodness that folks do for you intentionally or not, and ensure that you pass it on the very same day. Big acts of course take time.

New Year's resolutions do not have to get all fancy and elaborate. Resolve to do the little things that improve the quality of your life however imperceptibly. The benefits you reap from these little resolutions grow and multiply and infuse other aspects of your life with a harmony that you really didn't have to go out and buy at an expensive self-improvement seminar. So, go ahead and make that New Year resolution that's going to make the year 2011 the best of them all.

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