Tuesday, January 12

Learn Songs

Tips to Enrich Your Child's Life!

Learn songs along with your kids and sing out loud with them for the sheer pleasure of it. That's Tip No. 5 for you. This is not to be confused with learning music as in a musical instrument. You've probably noticed how uninhibited kids are at singing when they are really young. Some carry on, but others begin to get very self-conscious to the point that they stop entirely. This can be for any number of reasons;

  • Loss of front teeth
  • Extremely shy nature 
  • Sarcasm, real or imagined
  • Lack of encouragement

May be it is the loss of teeth when their speech is often characterised by lisping which causes a huge amount of attention to be focussed on them whenever they open their mouths. Forget singing, some kids even try to talk as little as possible to avoid the loud exclamations of cho chweet this invites.